Indo-Nepal Relation

Olipath, Centrality and Trust Issues: India-Nepal Muddled Neighbourhood Friendship

Olipath, Centrality and Trust Issues: India-Nepal Muddled Neighbourhood Friendship

Written by : Dr. Anup Shekhar Chakraborty. Photo credit : Comrades in Alliance: House of Cards The Left-wing politics in Nepal has obliterated Rajshahi (Monarchy) and associated caste-class social hierarchies, yet Samajwad (Socialism) remained a statist utopia. Nepal’s uniqueness is that it tends to present trends in deviation from global experience. While globally communists and communist ideology are in life-support, and communist parties have dwindled, let alone be in determining political positions, Nepal post-2018 presents a case in contradistinction. In 2018 the electoral alliance of the two main communist parties in Nepal won a nearly two-thirds majority in Parliament.…
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Nepal-India Virtual Neighbourhood ‘Halla Gulla’

Nepal-India Virtual Neighbourhood ‘Halla Gulla’

Written by : Dr. Anup Shekhar Chakraborty, Kolkata Photo credit : The Virtual Neighbourhood Virtual communities are places/sites where people meet, and they also are tools; the place-like aspects and tool-like aspects only partially overlap. Cyberspace opens the possibility to disengage the constrictions in the existing notions of neighbours, neighbourhood, and neighbourhood spaces. The virtualization of the neighbourhood effectuates matrixes of alleys 'cyber mohalla’, where much like the bazaar (market), gossip/chattingthe connecting link between people is made. Through such gossip/chatting and group interaction, the raw material for ‘Peoplehood’ (South Asians, Gorkhas/Nepalis, Indians, etc.) is reproduced in the virtual space…
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